Good morning! |

Good morning!


Well-known member
Good morning everyone. I'm a new rider with a bike and a few goals.

1. Downtown and GTA commuting. I was a cyclist in my 20s with at least one alley cat race, and some cycling in caledon so not entirely inexperienced at being invisible, getting doored, streetcar tracks, random crap in the street, peds flinging themselves into the road, getting sucked into truck backdrafts, breaking helmets, random psychos, rage, etc. Imagining motorcycling as similar, but hooked up to an adrenaline drip in a wind tunnel.

2. Take a 400 series route with confidence for late summer. (early summer now). I'm thinking Toronto to Guelph, potter around Milton and to Collingwood. (401, 400, 407 etc). Normal people do this. It seems reasonable. Just a straight line through zombie land. What could go wrong?

3. Carry a passenger for a short ride in late September. When I told her I bought a bike, my mom made me promise to take her out as a passenger when I was good enough. Yeah, laugh, yours is next.

4. Learn to wave, soon, and not be this guy:!/articles/4559-wry-society-the-big-motorcycle

Looking forward to chatting with you all.
Welcome aboard. Paranoia is a healthy state of mind when you're on 2 wheels :cool:
Welcome aboard!

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