Good Insurance for someone under 20.


New member
I know that this has been asked 43890754987 times, and i have read the sticky about who to call, most people I have called has quoted from $4,500 - $5,500. I have a 2001 ninja 500r, Im 19 years old (turn 20 in 2 months) And I took the motorcycle saftey course, and I will have my M2 in less then 2 weeks. The quotes that I got were quoted as if I had my M2. I also have my G2 with no claims or accidents, and no tickets, perfectly clean driving record. Been driving for almost 4 years.

So sorry again for repeating a question, but if anyone else who is under 25 who ran into this problem who did end up finding a good quote, please leave me a number/name. And anyone please leave advice.

Thanks a lot!
Jevco...doesn't help that you've been licensed less than a year though on the bike, you'd get a decent discount. For my 3rd year, I'm 21 no tickets, Ninja 250 its 1800 bucks. You're looking at 3000-3500 bucks if you're lucky.
$4500 - $5500 seems pretty high for a Ninja 500 with Jevco. Are you quoting with Collision coverage (and if so, do you really *need* Collision coverage?) I suggest you call John Duffy for a Jevco quote if you haven't done so already, and he will explain why you are being quoted so much. He has an ad at the top of the page.
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