GOAT tv show


Well-known member
Watching the wire again, holy **** its a great show, I missed a bunch of stuff the first time around, on season 3 right now and every scene with bunny colvin is incredible, he just foreshadowed and possibly solved all the problems the US faces with police brutality, militarization and the drug war in one scene

Was watching another scene with lester freamon yesterday and he might have found the meaning of life

"Life, its the **** that happens while you wait for moments that never come."

Thats some next level wisdom
And if you spend all your time waiting for those moments that never come one day you're left with nothing but regret.

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I finished my third viewing a couple months ago. I was expecting it to feel dated, and the first couple of episodes kind of are (on top of being slow and dull) but my God does it ever pick up after that.

The amount of planning that obviously went into it is a pretty big part of what separates it from most other series, past and present. Nothing else I've seen even comes close.

It's one of those shows that's so good you forget you're watching TV. You get out of it feeling as though you've lived in Baltimore.
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The fact that the series hasn't really aged is a testament to how great it really was.

One of those series as each time you watch it, you pick up even more of the story.

the Wire is definitely like that

Arrested Development the same (the Netflix series were not that great)
great writing and cast, dead pan jokes at a pace that's hard to keep up
every re-watch you get more out of it
I’ve watched breaking bad three times so far. Still can’t quite get into the Wire.
The Wire is glorious but it can take time to ramp up for some people. Hang in there, you'll thank us later.
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