Gladius International

LOL dude GI knows as much about "Tacticla shooting" as you do....

It's some paintballer who wants to put weapons in the hands of amatures and make money doing it. ****ing Posers.

It's probably a good thing it failed since you probably would have got shot in the face.

A real "tactical" shooting course provides training for Law Enforcement and Military or qualified persons (people with RPAL PAL) and the ATT to transport to the venue.

The people training you are Police TRU team and Military SOF members (active and retired) and know what the **** they are doing.


Did you actually sign up for that?

If so get your money back and bail.

This loser was asking how to get a firearms licence on canadiangunnutz forum last year and now he has a professional security team ready to deploy anywhere in the world in 24 hours?

read here to see what you almost got yourself into....

(Like the Emergency room at the closest hospital if you were lucky enough to get there before you bled to death.)
Need to join the forum but thats pretty good advice so you can research something dangerous like this in the future.
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Did you actually sign up for that?

Uhhhh, NO!

A friend who was a girl did. And I am kinda upset about it, so don't piss me off :fart:
....or, you will hire Gladius International to... shoot up my house with paintballs. or call me and hang up :)


Same advice for her as you then.

Know what you are signing up for and if you want to do something dangerous go to pro's, not paintballers who make BS claims and take your money before they even have a venue.
Btw that thread is inaccessible to non-members but we are curious about the juicer tidbits :cool:
....or, you will hire Gladius International to... shoot up my house with paintballs. or call me and hang up :)

U just mad cuz I diss yo favorite movie.... Battle LA :rolleyes:
U just mad cuz I diss yo favorite movie.... Battle LA :rolleyes:

Uh hu.... actually I'm saying you mad = me not giving a **** and bring it ***** :)

Btw that thread is inaccessible to non-members but we are curious about the juicer tidbits :cool:

It's 14 pages and growing but I'll try to coles it...

Can someone tell me about this place called GI *link*

Is that **** for real?
WTF indeed
Image of Facepalm
How the hell does he provide a helocopter,gens and ammo for that price?
BS on the Helo

continues for a few pages

Hey I'm GI guy, maybe you should know what you are talking about before flaming me I'm pro

Sure you are
Prove it
lets se pics of your training facility
Yea, WTF, pics or GTFO

I am pro I trained at Xe

really, what course, who was your instructor


Dude you claim to have mercinary teams ready to go anywhere at the drop of a hat you are total BS poser GTFO

maybe he does
No he was on here last spring asking where he could get his PAL permit
You shouldn't claim to be a pro when there are real pros on here and they don't front like you do. have some respect for people that actually pulled missions overseas you hack POS

Here's my Youtube video

Is that a painball range
Nice Multicam fag
you are a joke

Youtube video now private view only

Seriously, have you even been out of country?
Your range got pulled down because it's unsafe
Just checked out their site. Heheheh
popcorn icon
how has this guy not shot himself or a client yet?
LOL good point, because he can't open yet?
He actually needs to get a client to screw up and hit one. It'd almost worth it to pay this guy to take a job in somalian waters just to let natural selection take over.
I'd be willing to drop the $100 or whatever it is just to see how bad it realy is!
not to mention that several of his employees are the employees of his paintball field... who just shot a gun for the first time a month ago...
this guy fuels his own fire, I enjoy it..
Time to put the paintball marker down and grow up before you get someone killed.
Great..... What could possibly go wrong with this.
Gladius post removed
All kidding aside Gladius, so far all you have done is ***** about this thread and not provided any certified proof that you're not a buffoon. We will all cease and desist as soon as you act like a professional and prove us wrong. Until then, head shots all the time slaying bodies good to go

You can always tell when a person get's questioned regarding something that they have no clue what they are doing or talking about when their answer is to tuck tail and run.
Great answer gladius. Enjoy your paintball.
My favorite part is at 1:35 "this man is ridiculously trained" I guess that was at ridiculous gun training inc. lol
This is an "interesting" thread. Who has a helicopter for what I think I
read $400.00/hour? 10 years ago the best deal I was able to get was $600.00 per hour for a Jet Ranger. Fuel was on top of that and there was a minimum comitment of a set number of hours per day. The best I can do today for a Jet Ranger is $800.00 to $1200.00 per hour depending on the length of the contract and number of minimum hours per day. Fuel is still extra. Who has a helicopter for rent for such a low price?

etc etc etc.
He sounds like a real pro.. I once nailed a porcupine.. Can I join his team? :cool:
I feel bad for those that dont know anything about regulations that got scammed by this company.

Anyone that has ever been to a range know's how strict they are, most ranges, even after becoming a member and having a RPAL/PAL, still require to do their in house saftey course before they allow open access to their facilites.

No way the Chief Firearms Officer is going to approve some rinky dink operation like this.

Look at his pricing $99 for a 4 hour package- 45 minutes "training" and 300 rounds for $99. So your going to shoot 300 rounds in 3 hours and 15 minutes? 300 rounds doesnt last all that long on a range. Unless your shooting .22 rifle and .22 pistol with some cheap brick ammo, there is no profit on this deal for him.

He has no requirement on this deal that people must have a RPAL or PAL licence. Thats the basic, the govt mandated courses are 2 days long each or you can do them as a package in 3 days followed by a practial and written test. Thats just the basic course to get either your RPAL/PAl. Then you have to apply and the govt has to approve you. This dude is going to show you everything u need to know in 45 minutes and let you run free. No way he has got any legit insurance.

Honestly, its better for the people that got scammed, imagine showing to up to some field, and being given a bunch of live guns and ammo and told to go crazy, one little tiny mistake means death or injury. I wouldnt want be near anyone with a live firearm thats only got 45 minutes of instruction. All hyped up thinking they are some tactital hero's in call of duty or some ****.

Just look at your local Can tire, walmart, bass pro, lebaraon etc.. when you walk thru before hunting season, you see people checking out their guns and pointing them all over the store at people, sure there not loaded but still, WTF, now imagine the same thing with a group of people you dont know, in the middle of nowhere but with live ammo.

You could pay me a $100 and I still wouldnt go.

Someone drops a gun, it may go off, some fingers get itchy--boom, someone forgets the saftery, oppps, sorry my bad etc.. some rifles have very light trigger pulls.

I can;t beleive this guy actually advertised this deal one Canadian gun nutz of all places.
I can;t beleive this guy actually advertised this deal one Canadian gun nutz of all places.

Probably for the best; the attention it got there is likely what killed whatever range arrangement he had in the beginning. And you're right, I have a hard time imagining the CFO approving whatever this guy claims to be building.

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