Girl Riding Boots?


New member
I'm new to biking, just turned 17 and about to start learning but the guy who is going to be teaching me said I have to buy my own boots first.
I want boots that are specifically designed for women and I was looking at Sidi Vertigo Lady Boots, but I think they're probably a bit too much for what I'm going to be using my bike for. My bike is going to be 125cc and I'll be using it mainly for riding into town, so the boots I need would need to offer protection & a little comfort. Also I live in Ireland, it's raining constantly so waterproof boots are top priority for me. I was also looking at Sidi Women's Apex Lei boots but I'm not going to rush into buying them just yet, so I was wondering if any of you guys have any suggestions for me ? :confused: :)

Sorry about all the writing by the way :eek:
Well you should at least have your own helmet, jacket, gloves and boots for sure prior to you learning to ride.
You say you live in Ireland, so are you local at the moment - if so, there are a few bike shops that you can go to to try on different styles that would suit your style of bike/riding.
you're right I guess going into a few stores to try some would be a good idea first :) and the guy who is giving me the lessons said he provides all the other gear like hemet, jacket & gloves but that I'll just need to provide my own boots
SIdi Gore Tex boots rock.
They need to cover the ankle. I would suggest a flat sole boot, though I've seen videos of girls able to ride Super Sport in stilettos.
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