Giddy up!

SunnY S

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Just my opinion but I thought it was a good save. Good control even after going into the dirt portion. Could have been much worse.
The original video is not as fast as the linked one... the linked one makes it look like both riders are ripping through the countryside. I know absolutely nothing about driving a horse, so can anybody tell me what's going on? Was the horse spooked by the first rider and as a result wandered into the path of the second? Or did Farmer John actually drive the horse across the road when there was clearly vehicles on it?
Horsing around
Ditto. It was a close call and a nice save but if you have to pull over and sit down after that you're probably wrapped a bit too tight for riding.

That video is from Romania, where the number of traffic accidents(lots of them fatal) is very high, because of what you've just seen. Something similar happened to me a few years ago while driving there. Horses get spooked easily for no apparent reason.
Interesting considering There's tons of horses and carts In Romania. I toured there about 14yrs ago
Horse: "I'll show you horse power!"

Horse: where da fuq you think you're going?

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Something's very wrong with that horse...

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