General Motors Billboards - Sorry not bike related....


Well-known member
Im gonna call BS on this because those are some seriously poorly executed designs.

Also, 'lets fix our future by constantly going on about our former glory blah blah blah' lol yeah right
Ya, I was going to chime in with a negative response as well. Thanx for paving the way. This type of pandering irks. Are they using HD's agency? Indian?
Not feeling it...
What's the point of the ad campaign using the image of collectables if they are no longer available off the factory floor?
It's not an ad campaign it was a promotion for a classic car festival almost 10 years ago. Try and keep up okay?
Re: generl motors - not bike related

Keep up or be left behind
Re: generl motors - not bike related

It was awesome then and its still cool now. Of course its pandering to a demographic, the cool people demographic.
Re: generl motors - not bike related

These ads do show a glimmer of hope that Detroit can be turned around for the better.

Remember as much as we all joke about the company they still are the most technologically advanced
automobile company in the world.

If only the American woke up to their values. If detroit dies, the rest of the States may follow.

Time will tell if the true Americans will pull through.
Re: generl motors - not bike related

GM has way bigger problems right now than clever billboard adverstising and basking in past glories.
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