Garmin MapSource .GPX file


Well-known member
Here's a GPX file I've made up and been using for a few years now whenever I would plan a route. At the moment the file is made up of 80 routes.

I can add more routes to it, just let me know where it is... A google map of the route would help a lot.

(July 20th 2014) (GPX)114 routes
Google Map Version

Routes suggested by matthew
Zip file
Google map

10 best roads in the US according to
Thanks A.K.

Zip files for Basecamp

Google Maps

Best routes in the U.S.
U.S. Motorcycle Roads
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I wish you had posted this two years ago. It would have saved me a hellva lot of time doing it myself. Thought I had ridden most of the routes now I have another batch to ride next season. Great job. Thanks
Thanks for posting this. Looking forward to try a few of those next season.
Hey, thanks for doing this.
Out of curiosity, which of these have you travelled on, personally? I ask because I want to make sure the roads on these routes are paved and ridable, safe, etc. Street View on Google doesn't encompass all of the roads in question in some of the more rural regions.
I've traveled most grey ones, all yellow ones and none of the fuchsia ones. If I find one that's not paved I usually delete it.
Dude thank you so much, this is amazing. I am baffled you made Ontario 10x better for me. Now do you know any places where I can do heli skiing in Ontario?

By the way if you ever need to make routes for Garmin take a look at I found it to be the best way to plan in google maps and put out the result in GPX
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Holy crap, daught, thanks for this, too. I just grabbed it. Not sure exactly how it works or how it manages to be updated with current data from google, but this looks *seriously* useful so far.
I haven't tested this, but GPX should be fairly universal. If not, just use the GUI version of GPSBabel to convert it to a format more palatable to Curtis units.
will this work with the curtis gps that we all bought and hacked?
I don't know... I guess I could try since I got one of those GPS... I'll let you know
I don't think there's a way to do it. Up can add custom POI but I don't see a way to add custom routes. Maybe someone smarter then me and figure it out.
Ok, I found something.

You have to make a folder in iGO8\CONTENT\USERDATA\ROUTE
Then you have to convert the GDB or GPX file into KML using
Once done you drop the new KML file into the route folder you created.

Reboot iGo8

From there I have no idea. I'm running a custom skin so I have no idea where the ROUTES are stored. Also, I tried converting the whole file and iGo8 crashed "out of memory". I tried with just one route and it didn't crash.

good luck.

Maybe there's a way to convert it into a "track".

Using I managed to convert the routes (one at a time) to a iGo8 .trk file but it doesn't seem to be a way to import it into the GPS.
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