Ganaraska Trail Conditions 2019


Well-known member
Hello Everyone
How are the trail conditions inside of Ganny so far this week?
I know they opened May 1st
Anyone lucky enough to ride them before this weekend?
Was there yesterday. Lots of trees down. East forest is a bit of a mess I think the logging is done there. Lots of new trees marked for logging so there might be some parking lot closures in the near future. Parts of 108 are washed out. Overall it is rideable just try not to leave big ruts.
Thanks for the update. What is “108”?

Did you ride the west sections?
My neighbour was in Thursday and will be in again today clearing trees for the upcoming mini-pine. He said it was loamy in the pine section but most other areas were fine but with lots of trees down. I'll be in this Wed-Fri.
thanks for the replies
Have a great season everyone!
Look forward to meeting some of you on the trails
Usually try to get out once, twice a month
Being in Burlington requires a 6 hour block of time for driving and riding to trail networks
Was there yesterday. Conditions were great. Single track was good. Only dry leaves on the trails. Saw a couple puddles. Nothing major. Worst thing is most the main access roads are rutted out.
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