Funny elevator prank


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From Brazil.Found this in "jo mamma" advrider.
hahaha that was pretty good. My sister was just telling me to watch this too.

If you wanna see a crazy reaction check this one out
Man I love Brazilian girls. So curvy and crazy....

Back on topic.
Lucky the little girl didn't get a nice swift kick in the face
It's a great prank but I can't help but feel that the victims are actors. The liability of either giving someone a heart attack or that little girl getting her head kicked in....
It's a great prank but I can't help but feel that the victims are actors. The liability of either giving someone a heart attack or that little girl getting her head kicked in....
It's in Brazil though, not the US. People don't sue left right and centre there.

Oh, and I've seen this the other day and already laughed my *** off. Showed it to the GF and she loved it too.
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