Fuel Injecting a CBR600F Huricane


*Thanks admin for the move, I forgot about the technical section =S*

I know the idea is far fetched but I was wondering if anyone here knew if it was possible to hook up the F4I intake manifold with this engine without too much trouble. It will be ran with an independent spark controller and ECU or just the one off of the F4I.

Engine: 1987 CBR600F

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What's your objective here?

"Can" it be done - With custom fabrication, anything can be made to fit anything else. I have no idea whether the F4i throttle bodies would fit within the Hurricane's frame. The Formula SAE (university competition) car folks have been fuel-injecting 600cc motorcycle engines since before they originally came with fuel injection at all.

"Should" it be done - I tend to suspect that the intake runner diameters will end up being a mismatch for the engine and that will cost power. For sure, it won't work with the Hurricane's (unmodified) airbox. Once again, with enough cutters and welders and machining tools, you can make anything fit anything else. It will cost more than the bike is worth.

One thing is to make it "fit". Another thing is to make them "work". It will be a challenge to make them work better than the stock carburetors that the bike came with.

If you want a fuel-injected 600cc motorcycle, just buy a newer one.
If you have a Hurricane 600 and the carbs are messed up, fix them or get another set from the wreckers or ebay.
If you are building a Formula SAE car, you already know what to do (and it starts with getting a newer engine ...)

Look around for username "Freestyle72", who was working on retrofitting fuel injection to a Yamaha FZR400 about a year ago. I know he got it running, I have no idea how well. It was a challenge. It started out with much the same discussion as above.
What is this INTAKE MANIFOLD the OP is taking about?

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