I bought this helmet less than a week ago for my motorcycle safety course from GP bikes in Whitby. Only used twice over the weekend, so this helmet is brand new, no scratches, marks, or anything.
The helmet is size M, is really light weight, matte black with silver graphics. (looks really cool in my opinion). Comes with an antifog clear visor, and it has a quick release for the strap which makes it extremely easy to take off the helmet with gloves on.
Im selling this helmet simply because I noticed while wearing it that it doesnt fit me properly, its a bit big on my head, and GP bikes does not accept helmet returns/exchanges.
Asking price is $150, I have the box and the carry bag for the helmet.
I live in the North York area, so send me an email and we can talk about meeting up so you can check the helmet out and see if it fits.
here is a review of this helmet.
email me at itsbeiko@gmail.com if interested
pics in the kijiji post http://toronto.kijiji.ca/c-cars-veh...-Strength-SS1100-Brand-new-W0QQAdIdZ479530994
The helmet is size M, is really light weight, matte black with silver graphics. (looks really cool in my opinion). Comes with an antifog clear visor, and it has a quick release for the strap which makes it extremely easy to take off the helmet with gloves on.
Im selling this helmet simply because I noticed while wearing it that it doesnt fit me properly, its a bit big on my head, and GP bikes does not accept helmet returns/exchanges.
Asking price is $150, I have the box and the carry bag for the helmet.
I live in the North York area, so send me an email and we can talk about meeting up so you can check the helmet out and see if it fits.
here is a review of this helmet.
email me at itsbeiko@gmail.com if interested
pics in the kijiji post http://toronto.kijiji.ca/c-cars-veh...-Strength-SS1100-Brand-new-W0QQAdIdZ479530994