Putting up for sale my 2009 Ninja 650R. Would make a pretty okay (250 would be better) starter bike or even something for a more experienced rider looking for a better tourer/commuter than a 600 SS. Located near Oakwood and St. Clair in Toronto. PM me.
Asking $5500 OBO.
- Just under 12000 km on it.
- It HAS been down (might as well be honest to not waste anyone's time) but all damage was repaired. Includes several spare parts. Price is negotiable to reflect this.
- Aftermarket parts:
- Ninja650Shop sportbars v2
- Ninja650Shop no cut fairing protection (not cheap flimsy eBay junk)
- grab bar handles from an ER6N (stock on 650R/ER6F in Europe)
- excellent for tying luggage to the tail for touring and safer for passengers
- grab bar/tail sliders
- extended swing arm spools
- Sold certified.
- Selling simply because I am going to try something different. Going to try a small 2 stroke.
- Price is very negotiable. I want to sell quickly. But don't offer me less than half the asking price.
- Images to come soon. Only minor scratches in various locations. No rash from drops as any parts that were damaged in such a way have been replaced. Just small scratches from accidentally brushing against clothing and whatnot or from moving fairing parts around while off the bike.
Asking $5500 OBO.