07 R6 parts (grey/charcoal color):
- tank (no pump) - SOLD!
mounts up perfect. only damage is small scuff on side.
- tank cover - SOLD!
two small wholes drilled for mounting lap timers.
- tail top - SOLD!
perfect other then few minor scuffs. all mounting tabs in tact and functioning.
- undertail SOLD!
perfect other then few minor scuffs. all mounting tabs in tact and functioning.
comes with fender illiminator intergrated rear brake light and signals.
- front fender $50
flawless and mounts perfectly.
- rear fender/hugger $20
flawless and mounts perfectly.
- stock shock $50
flawless and mounts perfectly.
- stock front sprocket $10
- stock rear sprocket $10
- rear-sets/w pegs $25-each
complete with brake lever, shifter and heel guards.
- passendger rear-sets/w pegs -SOLD!
flawless and mounts perfectly.
- both side clip-on's/handle bars - SOLD!
flawless and mounts perfectly.
- left side lights/horn control switch - SOLD!
light scuffs/scrathces but working perfectly.
- stock seat SOLD!
flawless and mounts perfectly.
- passenger seat SOLD!
flawless and mounts perfectly.
- stock brake lines $10
flawless and mounts perfectly.
- stock brake pads $20
lots of meat left.
- aftermarket Vesrah RJL brake pads SOLD!
brand new Vesrah RJL performance racing brake pads.
- kickstand - SOLD!
flawless and mounts perfectly.
- sprocket cover $10
flawless and mounts perfectly.
- battery heat shield cover $10
flawless and mounts perfectly.
- horn SOLD!
flawless and mounts perfectly.
- oil pump cover $25
light scuff on side but works and mounts perfectly.
- tank (no pump) - SOLD!
mounts up perfect. only damage is small scuff on side.
- tank cover - SOLD!
two small wholes drilled for mounting lap timers.
- tail top - SOLD!
perfect other then few minor scuffs. all mounting tabs in tact and functioning.
- undertail SOLD!
perfect other then few minor scuffs. all mounting tabs in tact and functioning.
comes with fender illiminator intergrated rear brake light and signals.
- front fender $50
flawless and mounts perfectly.
- rear fender/hugger $20
flawless and mounts perfectly.
- stock shock $50
flawless and mounts perfectly.
- stock front sprocket $10
- stock rear sprocket $10
- rear-sets/w pegs $25-each
complete with brake lever, shifter and heel guards.
- passendger rear-sets/w pegs -SOLD!
flawless and mounts perfectly.
- both side clip-on's/handle bars - SOLD!
flawless and mounts perfectly.
- left side lights/horn control switch - SOLD!
light scuffs/scrathces but working perfectly.
- stock seat SOLD!
flawless and mounts perfectly.
- passenger seat SOLD!
flawless and mounts perfectly.
- stock brake lines $10
flawless and mounts perfectly.
- stock brake pads $20
lots of meat left.
- aftermarket Vesrah RJL brake pads SOLD!
brand new Vesrah RJL performance racing brake pads.
- kickstand - SOLD!
flawless and mounts perfectly.
- sprocket cover $10
flawless and mounts perfectly.
- battery heat shield cover $10
flawless and mounts perfectly.
- horn SOLD!
flawless and mounts perfectly.
- oil pump cover $25
light scuff on side but works and mounts perfectly.
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