Front sprocket cover not closing


Well-known member
My buddy has a 2005 VTR superhawk and has been doing some work on it as of late. So he replaced the chain, tires, rear sprocket and what not. Last night he went to put the front sprocket cover on but it will not close. Seem thats the piston for the clutch rod is stopping it somehow. Not even sure if that makes sense, but thats what he said and as you can see by the pics that is what is stopping it.

Any ideas?
I had a similar problem with my 2001 VFR.There is a ceramic "socket" for the speedometer sensor that fits onto the front sprocket . If it's not lined up with the bolt holding the sprocket on the cover will not go on and if you force it the ceramic sensor will break.Tell your buddy to look inside the cover and he will see what I am talking about.I struggled for twenty minutes trying to get my cover on before I realized that was the problem.I'm sure some of the engineering and components on the VFR and VTR are similar if not identical.
Looosen up the clutch cable at the lever to allow tons of lever freeplay...install cover, then readjust cable to where you would like the friction point to be.
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