Freight Forwarders: please help me choose one

Pistachio Nuts

Well-known member
Hell-O everybody!

Was wondering if anyone could recommend a reputable freight forwarder for receiving an overseas shipment.

So far, I've gotten a few quotes, which I thought would help narrow down my choices. But, it hasn't. I'm still unsure about all the companies I've contacted. I'm not going by price alone, btw. I know that the lower quotes I've received have failed to mention the other fees that will be added on later.

Anyway, has anyone had any experience (or have insider's knowledge) with the following companies:

  • IPE Logistics
  • CTC Logistics/HOC Global Solutions
  • G.E. Logistics
  • Lyman Container Line
  • Delmar Cargo
  • Jet-sea International Shipping
  • Maple Freight
  • Weiss Rohlig
  • Delmar Cargo

Any companies I should avoid?

Also, should I only be considering companies that are members of the Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association?
What is being shipped? Large, small, container, highly valuable?
PM me if you are interested.

Sadly, the market in GTA is so overcrowded (too many forwarders around fighting for the same freight), that it's pretty difficult to make the right choice unless you know from experience.

Yes, I would absolutely avoid non-CIFFA. It doesn't guarantee anything (except for them paying dues), by any means, but it's a basic prerequisite in my opinion.

Are you looking for the bottom of the barrel price or rather good service with advice you might need along (it sounds you have not done that before ...)? If you are after a price, Delmar probably will be hard to beat .... unless it's a lane they are not strong at.

Note, that most of the companies you listed, do NOT have their own consol box ... so they will be booking it in someone else's container as LCL.

Sounds like your freight is prepaid, why you are looking for destination charges only (receive freight only)? What terms are you buying on actually?
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