The top of one of the posts broke off the battery from my 1100 Magna.
The battery still charges & holds a charge. I see lots of bikes for sale that they say "won't start, needs battery". So if somebody is just in need of one to start your bike to sell or to buy, it's yours. The battery is free, but I'm in Oshawa and you need to come pick it up.
If not, i'll take it to the local salvage place and let them get rid of it.
The battery still charges & holds a charge. I see lots of bikes for sale that they say "won't start, needs battery". So if somebody is just in need of one to start your bike to sell or to buy, it's yours. The battery is free, but I'm in Oshawa and you need to come pick it up.
If not, i'll take it to the local salvage place and let them get rid of it.