FREE $100 BILL aka Condo for rent in King West aka my finished winter project


Well-known member
Hello everyone, I'm renting out my condo for May 1. It's a freshly reno'd bachelor suite in a pretty trendy neighborhood. It was also my winter project.

If you know someone that has a hankering for the hipster lifestyle and like overpaying for rent then pass this on! It's $1250 a month plus utilities. For GTAM members (must have been a member for more than 3 months as of today and a post count over 20 and be not judged a troll by me), I'll do $1200.

ALSO for GTAM members with the same qualifications as above, if you refer someone at the full price, I'll give you $100 (if your phone number is already in my cell phone, this offer is $150).

I've had it with living downtown for now, parking too expensive and all that. But hey, whatever floats the ironic hipster boats!

Actually if someone is a corporate slave working in the financial distract and can't afford to be right downtown, this place is pretty ideal as well.

1 dog or 1 cat ok for an extra $50.
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