Four Toronto cops about to be charged with obstruction, perjury?


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They say the chief of police will make an announcement later today. It seems to be they planted evidence and went to court to lie about it.

"Charges are expected against four Toronto police officers following an allegedly wrongful arrest in a drug case in January 2014, according to multiple media reports.

Sources with knowledge of the situation have told CBC News that charges are expected.

Media reports Wednesday night say the officers will face charges of obstruction and perjury.

Last September, an Ontario Superior Court judge dismissed charges against a man police arrested and accused of possessing heroin. In his decision, Justice Edward Morgan concluded the officers involved in the case "concocted a false story" about why they stopped the defendant and searched his car.

"The misconduct evidenced here is entirely beyond anything that the courts can accept," the judge said."
Its the police and criminal justice systems culture not just the police. The entire thing is setup based on convictions. Cops are rewarded for the amount of tickets or convictions not for the actual results of the charges. Our justice systems pops a bonder when it able to charge some kid with minor possession when in most cases everyone is best served with a warning!
I absolutely hate when police mess with evidence to 'make a case' on someone which ends up letting a bad person free. This drug dealer wasn't a good person and the lazy police work allowed him to go free rather than doing things by proper means. No doubt if they kept surveilling the guy he would have slipped up and be where he belongs in jail. Now this criminal is out there and officers might be weary to get him on proper charges and evidence because there is this cloud around the criminal and those from 55 division.
Now what happens with all the other cases any of these police officers were participants of? The lawyers are going to have a field day, after all they "allegedly" lied in court under oath
Now what happens with all the other cases any of these police officers were participants of? The lawyers are going to have a field day, after all they "allegedly" lied in court under oath

Of course... every case and every investigation these officers ever worked on... is now tainted with reasonable doubt...
Heard all sorts of stories about 51 from the inside. Short money and/or drug counts going into evidence. Entire drug counts being swapped out with placebos. Shakedowns of suspects.........
Wonder how they found out the evidence was planted, dash cam?

I've read the transcript on CANLII (sorry, no link, I'd have to dig it up - but it's all in there). Suffice it to say that the defence lawyer did a very good job, and busted the cops using their own testimony against the originally accused person.

There is no direct evidence that drugs were planted on the original suspect in the original case ... but it is as good as pinned down using sworn testimony in court that whatever happened with that suspect involved the cops lying about what happened.
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