Float bowl gasket grew?


King of GTAM
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I think I know what happened here, but might as well look for feedback. I just pulled off a float bowl to see if the gasket was seated properly. It didn't seem obviously pinched, but when I went to put the float bowl back on, the gasket was three sizes too big! I guess it swells once it comes in contact with fuel.

Is there any way to re-use the gasket, other than waiting two months for it to dry out completely? I saw on another board a suggestion to put it in the freezer, so I'm trying that. If that doesn't work though ... any advice? Or do they generally have to be replaced once removed for this reason?
Sound like the gasket is pooched. Get a new one, or if it is an o-ring you can get one at any hydraulic shop.
I've heard freezing them will bring them down a bit but I'm guessing it's only an option if it's just slightly larger, never tried it.
I recall something about putting them in the oven? I think one of my buddies with an old sportster told me about that.

I'm far from an authority on the subject, but I would be more comfortable heating a rubber than freezing it.
Freezing it didn't work. I thought about putting it in the oven, but I was worried about damaging it. What worked for me was putting it in front of just a regular fan for a few hours. It's reinstalled now and not leaking!

Also I forgot to mention that the carb was leaking badly originally, I didn't remove it just out of paranoia.
your o ring / gasket grew because of the ethinol ( e10 ) in your gas. you will have to replace it.
I didn't have to replace it, it shrank intact as mentioned above and is currently holding a good seal.
I recall something about putting them in the oven? I think one of my buddies with an old sportster told me about that.

U beat me to it!
Once its not above 100*C, I think it should be OK, I;m sure the temp in your carb even exceed that.
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