The Omega 3-6-9 / Udo's Oil supplements are a waste of money.
Here's why.
The sales pitch that accompanies these blends usually talk about how its important to manage the ratio of omega 6 to 3 consumed. They state the ideal ratio is 2:1 so they sell you a capsule where these are pretty much 2:1. The problem here is that this sort of logic essentially ignores the fact that we are eating other stuff too.
North American's typically consume a LOT of Omega 6 fatty acids already. A lot of evidence points to the overconsumption of Omega6 oils as being really bad for you and inflammatory to the body. This is why many people consume omega 6 to 3 in such a poor ratio in the first place. Its something like 25x that of omega 3's but it varies a lot I suppose based on one's diet. So supplementing with additional omega 6 is not only wasteful but is counterproductive to the effects of supplementing with Omega-3's in the first place given most north american's diets.
As for Omega-9. While the other two are considered essential, Omega9 is not considered an essential oil as the human body can produce it through the conversion of unsaturated fats. You do not need to consume any at all but you probably do anyway as its in Olive Oil and many people eat that.
Ditch 3-6-9, Go for Omega3's only.