Fist off I'd like to say hi to you all and sorry for the spelling mistakes. I was orignaly from Mississauga but had to move to Nova Scotia. Huge bonuis thoe the insurance cost is way cheeper here, 1 month in Ontario pays my full year here
Ok hears the scoop, I'v been intrested in geting a bike for years now and finaly got one. A cuz of mine sold me hi 84 Honda V30 Magna to me. With only 500cc motor think this is a good bike to start with. Now for the BAD part. The only corse around for me is at least a 2 hour drive from home and go's for 3 days. Then to top it off I live in a aira that all the roads are gravel. So here go's nothing.
Least I have a helmit, jacket and boots.