First season of riding. Found another reason to hate winter. |

First season of riding. Found another reason to hate winter.


New member
I have been loving my first riding season. Wish I started earlier put on almost 10000 km since April. looking to start getting involved in some meets and group rides before the end of the season. It may be the last long weekend of summer but it's supposed to be a warm September, hopefully lots of riding time left.
Welcome to the addiction!! Now you need to get a dirtbike, stud up the tires, get some guards and a tether switch and hit the ice this winter. Makes the cold months easier to live with.
I grew up in Haliburton we used to do this all the time. We would run the lake on our dirt bikes in the winter.
Welcome and +1 on another reason to hate winter. My first riding season too and I wish I did it years ago. 10k! Wow! That's a lot of riding. I wish I had the time for that. Anyway, best of luck. Ride safe!

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