Find this person


Find this person (please move to romper room)

Today I was in the 401 riding normally. As in, not aggressive or over the speed limit. This blue Honda civic then started honking and cut me off with the female ***** driver and her ***** *** boyfriend mouthing something. They almost rear ended the line up to get on the dvp/404 too, slamming on their brakes and swerving. I passed them, continued on my way when they eventually caught up and cut other drivers off. I caught up to them to get their licence plate when the guy threw a plastic coke bottle out of his Window which managed to hit my screen. They then went into the record where I lost them.

Metallic-ish blue 4 door Honda civic
AVAZ 235

I do not expect the members of this forum to actually go and find these people with the vehicle information provided above. The intent of this thread, selected thread title and provided vehicle information was to simply bring humor to the story, on top of raging cagers almost rear ending a vehicle and a bottle getting thrown at me.
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This ^

The hell are we supposed to do if we find them... Start circling them on our bikes and taunt them?

Do you really think I posted this to get members to find these people? That I am actually serious in attempting to get people to track and find them?

God forbid I had written "find this person and kill them willing to pay"

Please continue to proceed on the Internets with caution.
Do you really think I posted this to get members to find these people? That I am actually serious in attempting to get people to track and find them?

With the kind of stuff people post here, it's entirely possible. We can only go by what you post.
Do you really think I posted this to get members to find these people? That I am actually serious in attempting to get people to track and find them?

OP, did you read the thread title or the the original post?
I work with a couple of guys that WOULD saddle up & go find them after reading this... Well, I'm assuming they can read...
I believe this thread would not have been taken so seriously had it been posted in the romper room. If any mod could move this thread. Thanks
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