Fighting parking tickets to get more expensive?

"Statistics indicate that most of those who go to court still lose"

" About 11 per cent of those people who received them tried to fight the fines in court, but more than 50 per cent of those lost."

Well which one is it? 50% is not MOST...
"Statistics indicate that most of those who go to court still lose"

" About 11 per cent of those people who received them tried to fight the fines in court, but more than 50 percent of those lost."

Well which one is it? 50% is not MOST...

This is just getting dumb. First they disband night court as an option to force those who fight their tickets (their legal right) to take a day off work thus discouraging people from fighting or making it cost them a day of pay which is more than a ticket. Now they pull this crap? C'mon enough is enough. I suggest everyone write their councellor and make it clear that anyone who supports this crap won't be voted back in by the citizens of Toronto.
What's next to dissuade Joe Citizen from fighting a speeding ticket? or other moving violations?

"if you show up and lose, your fine is tripled!"

Bad enough you get a ticket already, parking or otherwise, now even more incentive to try and get you to pay it and forget about it?
Rob Ford is against this, hope he kiboshes the idea.
What's next to dissuade Joe Citizen from fighting a speeding ticket? or other moving violations?

"if you show up and lose, your fine is tripled!"
Bad enough you get a ticket already, parking or otherwise, now even more incentive to try and get you to pay it and forget about it?

I had a court date for 3 parking tickets. I lost. was told the fine could be upped to $4000. my $15 tickets went to $20 each. The guy after me only had one $15 ticket and his went to $60.
While on the subject, I asked for parking ticket trial to be held in a different language. I was not expecting a reply. Unfortunately I got one. There is no way I can defend myself using that language. If I get to the trial and ask for it to be conducted in English will I get charged for the translator?
While on the subject, I asked for parking ticket trial to be held in a different language. I was not expecting a reply. Unfortunately I got one. There is no way I can defend myself using that language. If I get to the trial and ask for it to be conducted in English will I get charged for the translator?
ahahhaha thats wicked
I think its a good idea.

This isn't saying don't fight your tickets if a mistake has been made, or you feel you've been wronged, its trying to change the fight EVERY ticket for the sake of it mentality.. its saying if you know damn well that you did the crime, man up and pay the ticket rather then wasting the courts time, tax dollars, and making the lines longer for those with real grievances.. The fee is only being charged to those who go to court and loose, meaning those who where actually in the wrong, because its pretty damn easy to get off if you have even the most obscure plausible argument, and if you do, no fee.

Just my humble opinion.
While on the subject, I asked for parking ticket trial to be held in a different language. I was not expecting a reply. Unfortunately I got one. There is no way I can defend myself using that language. If I get to the trial and ask for it to be conducted in English will I get charged for the translator?

And this is exactly it.. people who are trying gimmicks to get off as they know they don't have a legal leg to stand on.. waste of time and money, paid for by the rest of us..
I think the traffic courts should operate into the night, if not exclusively at night.
Then most people wouldn't have to miss work to attend.
But that would make too much sense.
And this is exactly it.. people who are trying gimmicks to get off as they know they don't have a legal leg to stand on.. waste of time and money, paid for by the rest of us..

At the rate "the man" is ripping me off with gimmicks like HST, eco-fees and countless other bull I have no moral quarrels when it comes to abusing the system.
And this is exactly it.. people who are trying gimmicks to get off as they know they don't have a legal leg to stand on.. waste of time and money, paid for by the rest of us..

Hmmm, 1.1 billion or more on G8/G20 that vanished into thin air (can anyone tell me what was accomplished besides a circle jerk for world leaders and bankers?) or a few million dollars for a functional and accessible justice system?
At the rate "the man" is ripping me off with gimmicks like HST, eco-fees and countless other bull I have no moral quarrels when it comes to abusing the system.

Exactly how I feel. I pay hundreds of dollars a year for legitimate parking, getting tickets is just another kick to the nads. It's the one way I can get back at the nickel and dimers in City Hall.
I just filed to fight a ticket. I will see what will happen.

Can you file for disclosure like a police ticket? I might have a case depending on the disclosure.
Exactly how I feel. I pay hundreds of dollars a year for legitimate parking, getting tickets is just another kick to the nads. It's the one way I can get back at the nickel and dimers in City Hall.

Agreed. Hey remember when we had to pay a fee on top of the taxes we paid so that we could own a car? Yah that was fun.
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