fastabendthedoc - Riding Across Canada to find my birth father


New member
Hey all,

My name is Dylan and I'm trying to get my dream bike: a Suzuki TU250x, to ride it across North America to find my birth father. I have: a blurry photograph (Me | age 2), a letter he wrote (me | age 3) and a starting point (Chase, BC- the resting place of his mother).

My first problem- I don't yet have the bike.

I'm currently playing a game of 'bigger and better' which allows me to trade one item for another, each one getting me a bit closer to the bike.

Right now I'm trading a Wayne Gretzky Rooke Card on Kijiji & Craigslist

I hope that by bringing attention to my goal, the GTAMotorcycle community might spread the word and help me achieve it.

Thank you,
Hi Dylan,

Noble idea and best of luck in getting what you are looking for, especially finding your father.

Do you specifically want that bike? I get that it's your dream bike and all but it seems a little small to travel the country looking for someone. Not for me but you might hit someone willing to trade up but being bike specific might take your odds way down

In either case, good luck and hopefully your adventures bring you cool story's.
No offence, Hope I'm wrong but there are way to many sob stories going around these days.

It might be easier to take that money for the bike and hire a private investigator then it would be to ride blind across North America.
No offence, Hope I'm wrong but there are way to many sob stories going around these days.

It might be easier to take that money for the bike and hire a private investigator then it would be to ride blind across North America.
Agreed. The concept of trading up has been done and there are smarter ways to hunt down your birth father.
Also on his first link he says "My name is Dylan M. Butler. I'm going to drive my motorcycle across Canada to find my dad."
He doesn't mention anything about saving up to get one.
this kinda reminds me of the dude that hears he's dying of cancer, so he buys an old bike, and rides across canada.


good movie though.

maybe you can get a movie deal if it works out.
well, Luke Skywalker found his daddy! And the Galaxy is a lot bigger than Canada.

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well, Luke Skywalker found his daddy! And the Galaxy is a lot bigger than Canada.

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

Luke skywalker had the force.. oP has a Gretzky rookie card...

Best of luck to you in any case OP
Found a motorcycle! - thanks for all the cheers and jeers.
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