Women smile more than men. They're also more likely to default to smiling in an uncomfortable situation, more likely to fake a smile, and more likely to smile when scared. Think about that next time you guys make a woman smile, fellas.
OP, I'm just wondering where you're subscribed/what you read regularly. I have 3 guesses in order of likeliness based on your posts (not that it's a bad thing) - I'm just curious.
wait. so one group is asked to smile
and the other group is asked to think happy thoughts and then smile..
And the conclusion it that you are miserable if you don't smile..
I would think the conclusion is that you are miserable if you dno't think happy thoughts.
Just saying...
I must admit its hard to manipulate the variables, but my logic is if you're forced to do something. I would expect the person to be much more unhappy
Maybe, but there are also many studies which states that the act of smiling will make you happy. So I question the conclusion that forced smiling will make you miserable when the previous studies shows the exact opposite.
And unless there was a control group of people that were not asked to forced smile or think happy thoughts, and these people were happier than the forced smile no happy thoughts people. I dont' think forced smiling makes you more miserable.