F-U FACEBOOK!!! | GTAMotorcycle.com



Rounder of bolts, Dropper of tools
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Farcebook suggestions:

Pro: friend - Cheryl Tiegs

Con: music

Can you explain?
Are you mad at the senior part or the OFF Road part or the KTM in the picture part.
facebook is def not trustworthy at ALL!

They try to sync all their platforms, so what you may want to keep on private on your instagram can end up on facebook 😬

And you can desync stuff or deactivate accounts, but of course not a coincidence that they make it extremely convoluted and complex
facebook is def not trustworthy at ALL!

They try to sync all their platforms, so what you may want to keep on private on your instagram can end up on facebook 😬

And you can desync stuff or deactivate accounts, but of course not a coincidence that they make it extremely convoluted and complex
The idea of privacy on the internet is a fallacy.
Were you born yesterday?
lol, if it helps, you're a child (at least in spirit) compared to the guys I met at a recent Toronto meet up for ADV riders:

I got there and sat down at a table with friendly white haired strangers. Given it was an adv meetup I expected we would talk about travels, adventures, trails, whatever... (I'm naive like that)

Old Man 1 seems like someone I could learn so much from. But for whatever reason, he starts listing every single person he's ever come across who was injured riding off road. He goes in great detail on what their injury was, how they got this injury, as well as how long it took them to heal... This went on for several minutes. Why? No idea. What was the point? Couldn't tell you. It just seemed like noise for the sake of noise.

We were saved by Old Man 2 who then started talking about his recent heart stress test. What? Why??

This weird, unsexy sadist/masochist-dynamic conversation was what I would have expected from a retirement community cafeteria, not from a motorcycle meetup (or any meetup of people outside their geriatric years). It's the kind of situation where you sit there and think "Being here, with these people, is ******* aging me."

Don't get me wrong, there were a few cool people. One girl who was immediately surrounded by 25 knights in shining armor the minute she mentioned something was with her bike lol. One guy who mentioned drugs a handful of times then disappeared for half an hour and was noticeably quiet when he came back. The host was cool too as was a buddy of mine who also happened to attend... but...

Long story short, until we meet again, and you'd rather tell me about a friend's wife's clavicle's rehabilitation three years ago, than about your own adventures, I think you're doing just fine Gene!
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The idea of privacy on the internet is a fallacy.
Were you born yesterday?
You can def take prudent steps to protect your privacy from anyone but the RCMP with a warrant from keeping track of you.
lol, if it helps, you're a child (at least in spirit) compared to the guys I met at a recent Toronto meet up for ADV riders:

I got there and sat down at a table with friendly white haired strangers. Given it was an adv meetup I expected we would talk about travels, adventures, trails, whatever... (I'm naive like that)

Old Man 1 seems like someone I could learn so much from. But for whatever reason, he starts listing every single person he's ever come across who was injured riding off road. He goes in great detail on what their injury was, how they got this injury, as well as how long it took them to heal... This went on for several minutes. Why? No idea. What was the point? Couldn't tell you. It just seemed like noise for the sake of noise.

We were saved by Old Man 2 who then started talking about his recent heart stress test. What? Why??

This weird, unsexy sadist/masochist-dynamic conversation was what I would have expected from a retirement community cafeteria, not from a motorcycle meetup (or any meetup of people outside their geriatric years). It's the kind of situation where you sit there and think "Being here, with these people, is ******* aging me."

Don't get me wrong, there were a few cool people. One girl who was immediately surrounded by 25 knights in shining armor the minute she mentioned something was with her bike lol. One guy who mentioned drugs a handful of times then disappeared for half an hour and was noticeably quiet when he came back. The host was cool too as was a buddy of mine who also happened to attend... but...

Long story short, until we meet again, and you'd rather tell me about a friend's wife's clavicle's rehabilitation three years ago, than about your own adventures, I think you're doing just fine Gene!
That is wierd. The guys in the KLusteR I ride with usually don't deviate very far from bikes or riding much beyond women and beer.
FB, like Google, remembers your every click and hover over a page then feeds it back to you in the form of suggested pages or web sites to generate revenue.
When some relatives were traveling to interesting places decades ago FB was nice to let us follow.

Now it's click bait, scams and two bit opinions.

I ignore friend requests. If you know me you can email.

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