Extremely close call riding with passenger (Daytona non ABS)


Well-known member
Just want to share a recent video from my friend, it scared the crap out of me. He had a passenger at that time, car cut right in front of him, emergency brake with NO abs, glad he and his passenger made it but that was CLOSE!! Imagine yourself in this situation.

Oh lets just brake in the middle of the lane. That was truly a "deer in the headlights" reaction
Had this happen to me on two different occasions at the same set of lights with my girl on the back. It's not a fun experience.
wow. like the cager was drunk or something. so indecisive. wtf. Your going to do something then do it. Cager had absolutely no reason to leave his lane, not like he didn't see 3 bikes and a pick up truck unless he didn't look or wasn't coherent. doesn't look like anyone bothered reporting it, just kept on going. HFS.
Should've smacked his front wheels on his door
Fast FWD to 1:50 Caught this accident right in front of me on Friday.

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