Ever have bad riding days?


Well-known member
I posted this in the new rider section but my question applies to anyone who rides, in fact i'd like to hear from seasoned riders as well.

I've been riding for around 3 months now, in the first week or two i was a little nervous, stalled here and there at lights letting go of the clutch too soon and typical noob things like that. But gradually i've gotten better to where for the past month i'm pretty comfortable in all aspects of riding. I've done about 3000kms with half of that highway riding.

But still.. every now and then i have days where i feel kind of 'jittery' on the bike, and have even stalled once or twice at a light. Usually it's because i find myself looking in my mirrors and getting anxious because of a car too close to my rear wheel and things like that. And usually if i do that, or feel nervous, it seems to compound itself and i continue that jittery feeling until i get the bike home. I have noticed that problem seems to happen on days when i've had too much coffee, so maybe the caffeine has something to do with it. But anyway, any others care to admit to having 'bad riding' days where your skills seem to be off from your typical level?
Don't fret Johnny 5, happens to the best of us. All you ever have to remember is one word, persevere.

One day, and that day may be sooner or later than others, it'll just happen, everything around you suddenly slows down, yet your quite fast and you will know and grasp what "smooth" finally means.

A word of advice if I may, in your early stages like now, ride alone as much as possible or if with others, a very small group and if possible, riders that are tenfold better than you are. There is a difference though between good riders and fast riders, you'll figure it out.

And, get on the track a few times a year if money/time permits.

Good luck.
I've been riding since July, done about 7000km. I think riding is largely tied to your emotions at the time, I know when I'm frustrated, it definitely shows in my riding. If I'm a little low on confidence... yea that'll get me, too. What happens to me once and a while is I'll be riding along and I'll make a mistake or slip-up (unsafe maneuver of some sorts, or mess up a corner), I'll feel guilt and embarrassment and then that'll show in my riding for sure.

I remember reading this before, and I always remember it:

Studies have shown that motorcycling requires more decisions per second, and more sheer data processing than nearly any other common activity or sport. The reactions and accurate decision making abilities needed have been likened to the reactions of fighter pilots! The consequences of bad decisions or poor situational awareness are pretty much the same for both groups too.
Occasionally, as a rider I have caught myself starting to make bad or late decisions while riding. In flight training, my instructors called this being “behind the power curve”. It is a mark of experience that when this begins to happen, the rider recognizes the situation, and more importantly, does something about it. A short break, a meal, or even a gas stop can set things right again as it gives the brain a chance to catch up.
Good, accurate, and timely decisions are essential when riding a motorcycle…at least if you want to remain among the living. In short, the brain needs to keep up with the machine.

It's from this story, http://www.vtwinmama.com/demonic_squirrel_riding_story.htm Great read, if you haven't read it already!
Bad riding day is when you crash. Every other riding day is a good day.


New rider here, since June this year. Every time I hop on my bike and get on the road, it surprises me how doing just that can put up a smile on my face under the helmet by the time I leave my street, regardless of my mood =)
Yep, sometimes I'm a little nervous and other times I screw up a shift or a throttle blip. It happens. Be thankful for every moment you're alive and don't worry about the little things. :)
One time I tried riding after pulling an all nighter, I went back home after 5 minutes and took the car...
If I don't feel good, I won't ride!
Whenever I don't feel right about riding, I get off the bike and find alternate means of transportation.

Life's too short.
It happens, even occasionally now, and i've been riding for about 9 years.
As you become more experienced and things become more automatic, it should happen less and less.

Just like any mentally demanding activity, if your focus is not in it 100%, your ride will be affected.
I make it a point to not ride when I'm not feeling it. Don't push it, especially if your upset or distracted. There will always be more riding days ahead.

and caffeine can make you "jumpy" so if you're sensitive to it, maybe cut back or avoid it.
very rarely happens to me, because i only ride when i really want to ride. i dont go out there if im not feeling good
Those days will pass when you lean to ride, do another 17,000 km off highway and you'll never remember a bad day.
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