Ever get one of those moments where you ask yourself.... did I really see that?


Well-known member
So I'm going to work today and I'm heading on the QEW towards Toronto and I get off at Trafalgar. I'm going to be going south on Trafalgar, so I am in the right hand lane as I approach the exit ramp. There is an Audi in front an Accord in the middle and me. We all have a big gap between us probably 50-70 meters between each and we are all in the same lane and going the same direction on Trafalgar.

Anyway, as the exit ramp turns right the accord blows the corner and goes into the other lane then cuts back in. As we approach the right hand onto Trafalgar buddy BLOWS that corner so bad that he almost hits the median, then cuts back all the way across to get on Argus! Both the Audi and I had no problems making the corner.... thing is the speed we were carrying wasn't even fast! We were moving fluidly and slowly enough that the Audi and I stayed in the right hand lane as we turned onto Trafalgar. Thing is the Accord went so far wide and then cut back that I came kinda close to T-boning him..... then he proceeded to blow the next corner (which is just a mild bend) to the extent that he FULLY crossed into the oncoming lane.... I didn't see any cars coming from the other direction, plus I wasn't going that way anyway.

Freaking insane. It looked like an older dude with glasses driving a gold colour older model Accord. I didn't catch the plates.... just keep an eye out if you are in the area.... it was just some CRAZY and unpredictable driving. the red line is the path of the Accord.... after the right on Trafalgar I kept going south.


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