enough is enough you think?


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I think it's time she stopped buying stuff

stole this pic from Yetti, brand new looking escalade and it's filled to the roof with stuff from walmart.... maybe she should have bought a full sized van... if you look close there's cat food on the dash and i have to wonder where the cat is.
​Free Yetti.

We miss you Yetti

yetti for mayor, or MOD

Free Yetti

bring back yetti

All of you should start and promote an online petition for the Yetti fellow and drop it at the feet of Paul and Cutekill.

I think it's time she stopped buying stuff

stole this pic from Yetti, brand new looking escalade and it's filled to the roof with stuff from walmart.... maybe she should have bought a full sized van... if you look close there's cat food on the dash and i have to wonder where the cat is.

Anyone driving with that much crap jammed in the windows is a danger to other motorists and it is most definitely illegal. I would not hesitate to let the local police know about it.

Aside from that, she might be an extreme hoarder. You know when they bust a house with 150 cats? That is just hoarding animals, its little to do with them being animals and more to do with them hoarding. If she has filled up her Escalade with that much stuff chances are it is because her house is already full. Perhaps for the woman in question her hoarding isn't confined to just possessions; she may hoard cats too.

I watched a show on Discovery about people who hoard animals it was quite interesting from a psychological perspective and incredibly disgusting at the same time. When the homes become overrun with a few hundred cats the whole place becomes a litter box. Often if the SPCA doesn't catch it in time, a few generations of cats interbreed and then there are one-eyed cats with six toes running around everywhere. The hoarder will live in the house despite it being at their own peril; the feces and urine everywhere will pose a serious health risk to the point where the ammonia levels are quite toxic.

Another factor which often exacerbates the situation is a medical condition called Toxoplasmosis. The Toxoplama gondii parasite can be transmitted from animals or humans and it is suspected to cause a wide range of symptoms from flu to even in more recent years being linked to Schizophrenia. The parasite is also know to cause behavioral changes in humans which some believe might explain the "crazy cat lady" syndrome.


I will sell the Yetti for a Cadillac full of crap from walmart or the highest $$$ bid.
lol i post a pic from yetti that he showed me on the clubhouse and everyone writes they miss yetti and nothing about the crazy lady... if you want yetti back let paul know.

Um, you're right, I failed to mention Yetti and the crazy lady in my above post. What on earth was I thinking!? :roll:
Spent all of her money on the Escalade. She's living in the car, eating the cat food, and collecting cans in the shopping cart.
Will there be t-shirt sales again?
tell Yetti to buy a Mustang

pretty sure his slant on life would get thumbs-up from the community...mustang or not

fwiw we perma-banned Turbo cause he was ruining the site....much like this place
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tell Yetti to buy a Mustang

pretty sure his slant on life would get thumbs-up from the community...mustang or not

fwiw we perma-banned Turbopuss cause he was ruining the site....much like this place

Turbodish contributes positively to GTAM, regardless of whether you or anyone agrees with him it takes all kinds of people and opinions to make a forum worth visiting. Your comment and attitude however does not benefit this forum and is the typical kind of ignorance that gives credence to people who advocate maturity, responsibility and safety.
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