Elenin or Nibiru


Well-known member
Man these things are getting out of hand. First 2012 was cool, but now these wack jobs are finding anything and everything and claiming doomsday. Stop with this crap, unless Elenin is going to free tibet I don't really care.

Even if the world were to end it would make no difference, I would accomplish just as much after doomsday than I would before. /end
... this has been going on for centuries, the doomsday prophecies that is.

On a related to Nibiru note, read Zacheria Stitchen's books on the Sumerians, those are interesting. In fact, alot of what was found on the Sumerian clay tablets is downright mindblowing, if not interesting at the very least.
unless Elenin is going to bring an exploitative feudal regime back to tibet I don't really care.


Now, the world is ending in 6 months, 2 weeks, 4 days, 11 hours and 56 minutes. I accept donations for your souls' salvation. Money, beer and weed (just kidding about the weed as I don't have a scrip like AGAVE) :cool:
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