I'd recommend epoxying it.. Here's how I'd do it if I were you:
1) Clean up the general area with alcohol or acetone. Dampen a rag, don't spray it in there
2) Mix up a bit of speed-set epoxy like JB-Kwik, apply over and around the hole (at least about 1/4-1/2" diameter)
3) Let it sit overnight (while it sets in 5min, I'd give it a few hours to cure)
4) Forget you ever had it
Total time: 3min if you take your sweetass time
One additional consideration: If there is also a crack that you think might start spreading, I'd consider drilling out the ends, but you'd have to be EXTRA careful about not going too far with your drill or you'd fubar the board.
P.S. Whoever formulated JB Kwik deserves a Nobel Prize! I've used it to fix my wife's jewlery, a crack in the air intake tube on my old Mazda, farings on the Fizzer, Bubba'd mirror-mounting hole in the wall, picture frame at dear ol' mum's place, brass liners on my razor scales, to name a few things.. I use it more than cyanoacrylate (super-glue or Krazy Glue) even though it has its uses as well. Hell, I use it more than duct tape