Easy on the salt!!!!


Well-known member
Does anyone else have an issue with the amount of salt the city of mississauga dumps on our sidewalks. Its ridiculous I can't even walk my dogs on any of them. There wasn't even snow on them this morning an they were caked with salt. not looking forward to the rest of the winter if this is how it is already. I'm right on lakeshore is it like this all over or they just like dumping it all down here? I noticed the last 2 years now it have been excessive.
If we're not complaining about the salt, we're complaining of the amount of ice. Can't make everyone happy
Whats cheaper? A bit of salt ? OR a lawsuit from someone slipping?

From a city managers perspective, i can tell you which way they go.
Typical salting in and around Toronto calls for about 1 pound of salt per snowflake -- or at least that's always been my observation year to year.
you don't need snow on the gorund in order to have salt put down....we had some flurries, and damp conditions, and then it went below the freezing mark, which made icy conditions.....so salt was put down on the sidewalks and some roadways.....better safe than sorry...

perhpas the salter was not calibrated and was allowing more salt to be dropped then should have been, call the City on Monday and let them know what street, they will know what slaters were in the area and they can have a maintenace check done on the vehicle, typically it's a salt/sand mixture that is used, the salt to melt the ice, and the sand to aid in traction....

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