E-ciggarettes | GTAMotorcycle.com



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Anyone ever try them? Just got mine, works great, no cravings, can smoke inside now, though the regular tobacco flavor I got tastes like cigar, so not fussy on that, loving the cherry though. Anyone know of something that is similar to Players Light? Think I will stick with the flavors though, Green Apple sounds awesome.
I just got mine a few days ago. Love it! I got my liquid at flavourcrafters.biz and they have a section that simulates actual cigarette brands but I haven't tried those yet. I got a pipe tobacco flavor and it's pretty good.
A guy who works at a warehouse I go to for work says it is a godsend and a curse. Now that it is acceptable to smoke inside and around non smokers, he finds himself smoking it non stopa ll day every day.....and now he feels he is way more addicted to the E-Smoke than he was for 20 yrs of real cigarettes.
I just got mine a few days ago. Love it! I got my liquid at flavourcrafters.biz and they have a section that simulates actual cigarette brands but I haven't tried those yet. I got a pipe tobacco flavor and it's pretty good.

Same, got mine Friday, started using it Saturday. I checked out that website, might want to try where I ordered from, vials are a little cheaper ($0.50) http://www.vaporskitchen.com, though if your order isn't $150 you pay $10 S&H.

A guy who works at a warehouse I go to for work says it is a godsend and a curse. Now that it is acceptable to smoke inside and around non smokers, he finds himself smoking it non stopa ll day every day.....and now he feels he is way more addicted to the E-Smoke than he was for 20 yrs of real cigarettes.

Yeah, I can see that. I remember when I started smoking at 10, you could smoke anywhere, though that was Nova Scotia, could still smoke anywhere in the malls whereas in Toronto you could only smoke in the food area at the time.
what e-cigarette are you guys using?
what e-cigarette are you guys using?

I second that question. I have been interested in them I don't know anyone using one and google searches come up with way too many choices. It would be nice to hear a general consensus and an easy place to get one and the supplies.

Basically, what do we need and where do we get them?
I don't smoke cigarettes, so I haven't needed to research this. But with this being said, it's an "E" cigarette. So
Does this mean it would be considered non harmful? Or is there still health risks? I ask because as stated above the concern of becoming "addicted". In my eyes if it doesn't harm you then I'd say it's a good addiction. Some old timers I have been around at work always need a tooth pick! Doesn't kill them.... I don't think lol who knows I'm sure someone would say the wood has a chemical added to make it cheaper to make ;)
Never the less just curious of the risks.
It is logical to think they are less harmful than cigarettes although nicotine on its own is also a poison so overdose would be a concern.

In reality I don't think there are any studies to prove that conclusively.
My girlfriend has been on 100% ecigs for over a year,

My advice!!!!::: Stock up, if you find something you like, buy a lot, suppliers tend to disappear !

-Best of luck
Still goes into your lungs and absorbed into your blood stream.

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