The truck held together pretty well for the size of the rock sitting on it. I'm impressed.
He said he tried to back up, only to find the traffic arms pinning him in.
The truck held together pretty well for the size of the rock sitting on it. I'm impressed.
100's of tons. I live near the Welland Canal, and more boats hit the bridges than cars do, takes a true idiot to pull this caper off.I wonder how much tons that thing is?
100's of tons. I live near the Welland Canal, and more boats hit the bridges than cars do, takes a true idiot to pull this caper off.
I wonder how much tons that thing is?
I take one day off work, and all the fun happens. I think Bridge 1's counterweight is about 450 ton (900,000 lbs, 410,000 kg). I'll check and see.
The road gates are hollow fiberglass 2x4's, designed to break on impact. They would have scratched the tailgate a little bit.
If he had pulled forward, SPLASH into the canal!
And very few boats hit the bridges. When they do, they win(doc)!
I used to think 1 ton = 1,000 lbs
Judging by the pic I thought it would be 100-200 tons, but I was wrong.
Is that pivoted by a ball bearing?
In pounds, a "short" ton is 2,000 lbs. I was a little off, the total span and counterwieght are 770 tons, so the counterweight alone would be 385 tons.
The bridge is a rolling bascule. Due to the heavy and slow operation, no ball bearings, all the bearings are plain bearings.
He's still probably paying cheaper insurance than you
I say for the old folks to get cheap insurance, they have to do a test every year after the word retired or age 55 comes into play.
I'm going to guess the evaluation and engineering to reopen the bridge safely will cost about 100 times the value of that chevy. He may need good insurance.