Duct cleaner recommendations?

Why do you think this? They're a forced air system that uses steel pipes and a air filter at the furnace.
you'll get a call shortly by an offshore company. Hopefully you will be able to understand them.

They did a professional job for us two years ago (Thornhill). They use a special agitator hose - a pressure line with multiple heads that whips around the ducts to clean all dust of all the duct surfaces, not just trying to blow and suck. Large diameter suction pipe...
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I posted this before, approx 1 year ago:

Guy came in, inspected system, recommended not to do it because it was clean. Any other crook have done it, and charge me for nothing.

There is only one man to call. This guy is the best and has the highest rating on Homestars


See his ratings here: http://homestars.com/companies/2776037-the-duct-cleaning-specialists?service_area=1828279
He didn't call me... I called him because my wife was concerned we never cleaned the ducts. He came in and inspected the ducts and said we didn't need to clean them. He explained that he could still do it, but it was not necessary and I would not notice any difference. He sprayed a disinfectant in the ducts and replaced the humidifier filter (he had a new one in his truck). He charged me something ridiculous like $12.50 total (free everything except the filter). A ridiculous amount that would not even pay for his truck's gas to get to my place.

I gave him $40 and asked him to keep the change, he thanked me and promise to make a donation to the food bank because he is really into helping that organization.

Please do not call anyone else. This guy is honest and a decent human being. Give him your business.
You never answered the question as to why you need it done. That makes me think you have too much money and are just looking for something to spend it on. Why don't you spend it on a landscaper instead?

It's ridiculous. Someone shows up with a vacuum cleaner truck and CLEANS THE DUCTS. The ducts that are already clean because they are steel pipes that only carry air. The ducts that blow out are blown out already, the ducts that suck in have a filter at the furnace. Have a good filter.

The only time it might be a good idea is if you've been having renovation work done or it's a new build and the builders being useless have been dumping all their debris and trash into the ducts. If this is not your situation you don't need it done IMHO.

My moms house built 1976 has never had it done. My house built 1947 won't have it done in part because old ducts are fragile and will be damaged by those trucks. Your problem to replace if they break them.

Save your money and spend it on hookers and blackjack instead.
I've read that most new homes need the ducts cleaned, but just to get the pop cans and cigarette packages left in ducts by the builders...
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