Dual sport


Well-known member
So hubby has been eyeing a dual sport for quite some time now, and there aren't that many used ones on Kijiji, unless they're super old. I've tracked down a few new models (2018-2020 with zero mileage) and was wondering what everyone's thoughts were on the following:

TW200 for $6326 out the door (hubby's preference)
XT250 for $6076.55 out the door
DR200-S for $5591 out the door

other than engine size and the Suzuki being carbureted, any other major differences between them (we're thinking back country roads with the odd dirt/gravel road, nothing major in the way of trail riding)...the Suzuki also comes with a 5 year warranty...of the Yamahas, I prefer the XT250...

The bikes you listed are good for your intended use if those back country roads are fairly low speed. All of those bikes are really old designs for the most part though so I personally would struggle buying one new.

Really good suggestion by @abkdt41 and I would also strongly consider a DRZ400s.

Of your original list I would probably go with the TW just because I think they’re kind of cool, can build really neat custom bikes out of them and have a bit of niche following so probably the easiest of the 3 to resell.
If your set on a little bike and hubby is a beginner, the TW 200 is a great starter. None of the bikes mentioned like highways, so be prepared to trailer if you don’t live close to dirt country.

Another thought would be a KLR, CB500x or a Versys300. All good beginner bikes, all versatile enough for around town, highway, traveling and dirt roads. There are plenty of low mileage late models in your price range. Also some good deals on new 2018 although the will be a bit pricier than the 250s.
I wouldnt pay 6+ for a TW200. Cool looking bike but limited function and I can't see it holding it's value. I like the ideas above (WR250R, DRZ400,CB500x).
If those were my only choice I'd go with the XT250 as it is likely the most capable, versatile and suitable for a full grown adult.

I agree with the fellows who would not buy new. There's enough low km choices out there for less money.

Of course those aren't your only choices. Obviously you want something mild mannered, light, reliable and durable. I've seen CRF250L's & KLX250's advertised for $4K certified. All had low km's and were of varying age. Don't be afraid of one of these models that is 5-8 years old with low km. As long as it's been maintained reasonably and ridden a bit it will have plenty of life left in it.

You could also look out for the CRF230L which came before the 250, and the old Yamaha XT225 was bullet proof.

Keep checking Kijiji and be prepared to drive a little ways to save a lot.
I've owned a tw200.

My brother had a drz (I think I rode it more than he did)...

I currently own a wr250r/x

I've got a lot of seat time on the crf250L, and the klx250.

They are all virtually indestructible, so don't shy away from an older one.

Drz400 is a bit porky, but old proven tech.

My vote would be the wr250r, or the klx250.

For the vertically challenged, ease of maintenance, and total newbies: the tw would be fine. Its a slow, air cooled mountain goat of a bike. Won't get anywhere quickly, but it'll get there.

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We are both vertically challenged which is why my list includes the ones it does...I'm happy with my FZ07, it's him that wants something different from his CTX1300...thanks for all the input guys...
Keep in mind all used bikes are experiencing inflated pricing due to covid. Something that was worth 5k last year can probably sell for 6k + right now.

The fact that you and your husband already know how to ride motorcycles means this is just a play bike vs what you already have. Paying 5k plus for any of those machines is a lot of money for something you won’t get a lot of use out of. I love all the bikes you listed but would only buy one if I owned a farm or had lots of property.
Here's a nice performer lol but no way in he!! is it truly street legal :ROFLMAO: grandfathered
Here's a nice performer lol but no way in he!! is it truly street legal :ROFLMAO: grandfathered
I wonder what colour the ownership is? We all hear about the mythical bikes that made it past the geniuses at SO, maybe that's one of them. It may be hard to find a mechanic that will safety it as is appears to be missing everything req'd.
I wonder what colour the ownership is? We all hear about the mythical bikes that made it past the geniuses at SO, maybe that's one of them. It may be hard to find a mechanic that will safety it as is appears to be missing everything req'd.
Not grandfathered slipped past. Looks exactly like mine and mine has a green ownership as well

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It's a good idea to decide if you want a dual sport that is more dirt bike, or more street bike before you shop too much. Personally I always put the emphasis on the dirt ability, ymmv. Euro bikes have the dirt bike advantage. I buy euro because they simply handle better and that is usually the result of the components used and the frame geometry. Nobody makes lightweight high performance dirt bikes better then Spain (y)
personally, I would prefer a pure dirt bike, like the TTR125LE that my ex boyfriend sort of taught me on back on 2011...we could easily fit two of them in the back of our pickup and drive off to Gopher Dunes or some of the other places I've heard about guys riding for the day...we don't have any land as I live in a townhouse in Milton and when we got married, he moved here...we would love to move somewhere in the Bancroft area and have some land to play around on, but I'd lose all my seniority at work and don't feel like starting over at my age...hubby gets ideas into his head and he doesn't let them go sometimes...LOL...if I ignore his idea, I'm hoping it will eventually go away ;)
If i get another bike I might be disowned by my family
Go fast dirt bike ? a rebel. Bring on the sand pits and dirt roads!

Bancroft is super nice off road riding area along with everything around there for about 100 kilometres.
I know people that live in Bancroft and work in Kingston, don't do that.
You better not they are addictive.
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