Dual Sport rides 2013


Well-known member
I'm looking to abuse my new DRZ400. What rides are planned for this year? Is there any where special I should be checking to find out info on future rides?
i think the idea of supermoto ride group should be rides along the city or close towns... let me know
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When I clicked the link it took me to a forum with a few threads at the top about a ride in April I've obviously missed. But I didn't see any other rides for 2013. Do I just need to check back occasionally? I saw mention of an OTR schedule but didn't actually see it. Any idea where I find that?

Also what is the difference between a trail ride, dual sport ride and an enduro? ( IIRC an enduro is a timed event, like a road rally but don't know much more than that)

And lastly where can you find out if your pipe is within the 94db limit? The previous owner modded the pipe. It's louder but I think still civil.

I cant find a link to a list of events, the oftr site isnt set up too well.

Dual sport rides have road sections and require a street legal bike. The trail rides are off road only and require a offroad plated and insured bike.

The enduros are race events.

Not sure where you can have your bike sound tested besides the events.

Check back on www.odsc.on.ca for dual sport ride to be posted. You can also check out www.oftr.ca for events in the trail ride series.
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