DRZ400 - What's too many kilometers


Well-known member
I got an offer to trade my 2006 FZ6 for a 2007 DRZ400 with 35,000 kms and frankly that much mileage make me nervous.

I know that mileage isn't always as important as the service it got while racking up miles but still 35K sounds like a lot for a big single.

At what point would this bike be looking at a new piston and resleeve. (I assume it's a nikasil'd jug that can't be bored over).

Any help appreciated.
My drz400sm has 20k going strong but yes 35k would make me nervous.
Plus what about resale after YOU put another 10k on it? sorry,too many drz's to choose from with less than 10k.

Plus drz's are made to a price, suspension linkages, bearings are not known for longevity.

I beat the **** outa mine, which seems the norm for the DRZ line.

I would not do it, strictly based on resale.

Fantastic second bike, if it was my only bike, it would be long gone.

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Mine's got 50k and still runs mint. It had a new piston+jug(Big Bore) at 35k though.

If you look on ThumperTalk, some guys have 75k on the original piston and cylinder. It's all about maintenance with that motor. If you maintain it well, it'll go forever.

I agree about resale though. I am having a hard time trying to sell mine because of the mileage.
I'd say 35k is a lot but it's all about the maintenance. There are not expensive to rebuild or throw a big bore in for relatively cheap if you have tools or someone that could help. Hell you be better off selling the F6 and picking up a DRz with some mods and pocketing some cash. I just got an o7 low k's for 4000$ with a bunch of mods already done.

anything over 750,000km is too much, below that its a judgement call depending on maintenance and how it was treated.
I always get a laugh out of these "too many km's" threads.
I've got an 09 250 approaching 60k km...
I always get a laugh out of these "too many km's" threads.
I've got an 09 250 approaching 60k km...

I responded in regards to buying a used bike. My point being why would you buy a high mileage bike when the market is full of the same model with low km's, unless its super cheap.
When it comes to drz's, its a buyers market.
35,000 is not high BUT when similar bikes are mostly under say 10,000 then it is high mieage when compared to whats available.
Its great you have enjoyed your bike until 60k , but dont expect to get good resale when all the rest will have much lower km's.

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anything over 750,000km is too much, below that its a judgement call depending on maintenance and how it was treated.

Don't know anyone whos ever hit 750,000km before O_O
For the prices that some of these guys want for a used bike,I would spend the extra $2000 and get new or one with very low km.There are lots to choose from out there,you just have to be ready to buy at any time.
For the prices that some of these guys want for a used bike,I would spend the extra $2000 and get new or one with very low km.There are lots to choose from out there,you just have to be ready to buy at any time.

Agree! I wonder if any of those 35k's were dirt on that DRZ. If it were 35k off road I'd probs want to pull the motor apart and have a good look.

Single cylinder motors are a completely different ball game. Also, you already blew up the motor in your Ninja once...

yea, that was a **** up on my part...Valve adjustment gone wrong, not a mechanical **** up. But yea, I guess the single cylinders get a lot more stressed...Ninja 250 FTW!!!
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So someone with 50 000kms on there bike can pick up a cluster from ebay which says 15 000kms and nobody knows.
So someone with 50 000kms on there bike can pick up a cluster from ebay which says 15 000kms and nobody knows.

Very true, you gotta be careful.
But thats the point, with so many of these bikes to choose from, it would be easy to spot, 15k should be spotless, and if its not, walk away.
At 15km theres a likely chance its a one owner, go talk to the selling dealer to verify, if its legit the owner wont have a problem with that.
But sadly as Rampin states it can happen.

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