Dropped my bike today...


Well-known member
No better way to introduce a bit of humility to a biker than dropping their own bike, right before its parked...

I noticed that the bike spilled a bit of gas out when it dropped. I investigated and it was dripping out of two hoses near the bottom of the bike. I'm not sure if they're supposed to be connected and the drop "cut" it? There was nothing sharp on the floor to cut the hoses so I don't think they were cut.

I read that bikes are supposed to spill gas when it has fallen over. I'm left wondering if its supposed to be spilling gas. Pictures in a few minutes.

C'est la vie.....

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No worries. I have the exact same type of tubes like that on my CBR125.

P.S. I think you can remove your name tag on your helmet now, haha!
Slower and safer next time!
i've done that straightening my pants while stopped
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One of the hoses is for the overflow. This prevents you from spilling gas all over the bike. The other hose might be the overflow for the coolant.

Don't worry about dropping it. It's normal. It's kinda like initiation. Lol
One of the hoses is for the overflow. This prevents you from spilling gas all over the bike. The other hose might be the overflow for the coolant.

Don't worry about dropping it. It's normal. It's kinda like initiation. Lol

Thats good to know.

I forgot about the name tag for a long time... LOL. I think I'll keep it on for now. Never remember to take it off when I get the bike out to ride lol.
the second hose is most likely your battery overflow thingy....check you bars, sometimes they move in a bit towards the tank when dropped, just enough to crush your thumbs at the steering lock....don't ask how I know...a swift kick will move them back out...maybe you want to use tools since it's your bike.
the second hose is most likely your battery overflow thingy....check you bars, sometimes they move in a bit towards the tank when dropped, just enough to crush your thumbs at the steering lock....don't ask how I know...a swift kick will move them back out...maybe you want to use tools since it's your bike.

You mean the handlebars?
Yes, the handle bars. Turn them from side to side and check the clearance to the gas tank.
haha No worries about dropping your bike. It happens to the best of us in the beginning. You'll quickly get it out of your system and then you'll be good to go. =) It hurts your pride more than anything.
If you look closely, the hose with the clamp on it also has a plug in it, that is you airbox drain. From time to time, you may see moisture/oil in that line, pull the plug to drain it, reinsert the plug, job done.
Everyone drops their bike at one time or another. Just be thankful you weren't at Port Dover with several thousand other bikers watching
you dismount without putting the kick stand down first because you were distracted by the pretty lady across the street....
Everyone drops their bike at one time or another. Just be thankful you weren't at Port Dover with several thousand other bikers watching
you dismount without putting the kick stand down first because you were distracted by the pretty lady across the street....

lol Are you speaking from experience? I dropped my bike when I first got it when I was in front of my condo. I was trying to get something out of my pocket and down it went. lol It's the worst when your pride is so hurt and an old couple comes to give you a hand. So embarrassing. ;)
lol it happens to everyone. Mine was on the parking on side of a driveway at night. Didn't see the driveway was raised by about a foot. Tried to put my foot down on nothing.

the hoses, one will be a drain for the air box, the other either coolant overflow or tank breather.
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