drill out foot peg holes | GTAMotorcycle.com

drill out foot peg holes


Well-known member
I bought some aftermarket pegs. The mounting holes are a little too small, any suggestions where to take it to get drilled out a bit?
put it in a vise and drill it yourself. but i still recommend getting the proper ones.
Since you are asking I will assume you don't have much experience in this area. You need to use a steel cutting drill bit, and a drill press with a vise is recommended. If you use a hand drill, be aware that the drill will catch, and try to injure your wrists. So if you tackle this brace yourself and go slow. It's easy if you know how, if you don't go slow and be careful. If you want to come to Hamilton, I'll do them for you.
I dont have a drill press otherwise yea it would be simple. I'll keep you in mind, but Hamilton is pretty far.
where are you located east york. my instructions seem so crude now. but if you go slow and are careful you wont break your wrist or drill bits
I have a shop with drill press, near the Leaside Home Depot, ...

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