Drag racing in canada

pablo cruz

It really is a shame, how every where else drag racing motorcycles is highly popular. But here in Canada it's not.
"just figured I'd throw something in here, before the mods close the section".
What kind of bike do you drag? A co worker of mine has I believe its a 1995 yamaha thunder ace 1000 and he loves dragging it. He is trying to talk me into dragging my 03 r6. But I don't know. Looked like a lot of fun.
It's not as bad as all that... Out West, we have the CMDRA which runs several classes, and 2011 has been a banner year in Southern Ontario with the inaugural seasons for both the PBSS series and the series running with OSCA. Not to mention the house league bracket stuff at GBM, TMP and Shannonhole and the big stand-alone weekends at GBM and TMP. Hell, I think there's even some people still running at Sparta( though I can't understand why...) What we suffer from is too short of a season and a lack of tracks...
I will be out this year weather or not i will be competing is another story will be my first time on a bike built to go semi fast. I would like to compete in a few events if i get the chance
Now The Black Cat has a series for almost every bike so there should be no excuses. We as riders are responsible for showing up and competing at these events.... The ball is in all our courts
I used to drag race my cage every weekend. I thought it was fun. But everything is relative.....fun compared to what?

Then I started roadracing last yr.

I now realize that drag racing is for fast vehicles.....road racing is for fast drivers/riders.
I wouldnt say that, It takes alot of skill to take a high horsepower grudge bike down the track with no wheelie bar sure the race isnt as long but you have to put together a whole lot of stuff in a extremely short amount of time. Im not taking anything away from the road racers they have mad skills but drag racing a bike ecpecially bracket racing is no walk in the park and more so if your trying to win.

I will definetly be out for the black cat series this year
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