Downtown Newbie


Well-known member
Thought I should finally introduce myself as I've been all creepy/lurkerish for the past couple of weeks. Thought I'd wait till I got my M1 to introduce myself though, now that I have it, the logic behind that decision isn't so sound lol.

So well hi everyone, just got my M1 yesterday, plan on doing Learning Curves middle of July and buying my first bike in August.
Welcome and congrats on your M1.

Do you plan on riding starting in August? If not, I'd wait a year so insurance will be nicer on your pockets. And also, bikes are cheaper in the Oct-Nov months.
Welcome. DT rider here as well.

Remember, shinny side up and rubber side down. Safe riding
Thanks rideitlikeyoustoleit,

I dont think I can wait till next year lol. I planned on buying middle of August, something cheap just to hone my skills on, going to buy new next season. I'm not to worried about insurance, 30 years old never driven anything before and I work for an insurance company.

Welcome and congrats on your M1.

Do you plan on riding starting in August? If not, I'd wait a year so insurance will be nicer on your pockets. And also, bikes are cheaper in the Oct-Nov months.
Prrrr... welcome and congrats on getting your M1 license. You're going to have a blast at Learning Curves - they've got some great instructors.
welcome and congrats on getting your M1 license. You're going to have a blast at Learning Curves - they've got some great instructors.

+1 with Learning Curves. Welcome and have fun!
Hey.. Are you related to ninjakat? lol

Welcome. :)
There is a girl on this forum with nick "ninjakat"... I think she was popular here for some time... :P
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