Donate your tax return to the government |

Donate your tax return to the government


Well-known member
Pfff wtf? I donate a huge chunk everytime I pay taxes.

F you government!
You donate a $100 and they'll blow a $1000 on stupidity and incompetence. No thanks. Go **** yourself Kathleen Wynne.
When my debt is paid, than maybe i will consider it.................

considered it, nope!
They're trying a carrot first. When that fails, they'll resort to the stick.

So on top of crazy insurance & hydro increases coming your way soon, get ready for big provincial tax rate hike too.
As these ****tards in charge would say "It's for the children's future"

Well ****, I ain't having any kids. I'm going to go out and buy a V8 tomorrow, setup a coal heating system at home and use all my money to make to prepare for the zombie apocalypse.

They're trying a carrot first. When that fails, they'll resort to the stick.

So on top of crazy insurance & hydro increases coming your way soon, get ready for big provincial tax rate hike too.
That article and Wynne's picture makes me angry.......................... It proves that the Liberals are out of touch.
I'll gladly write a cheque for 298.9 billion to help out.
Come on guys, its not that bad. If everyone Ontarian chipped in $22,000 dollars we'd have this deficit paid off in no time.

And then we can start all over again?

I'll consider chipping in my part of the $22,000.00 if my taxes are reduced permanently by the interest portion of the debt.

Or how about us chipping in our car insurance reductions after adjusting for reduced coverage? Oh wait that means they'll be sending us a cheque.
That article and Wynne's picture makes me angry.......................... It proves that the Liberals are out of touch.

They -- politicians -- can be like that because they answer to nobody. They are not truly held accountable for anything they do in office. At worst they face being "fired" at the next election whereupon they then take a cushy, 6-figure-paying job on some corporate board or university somewhere and add it to their golden government pension.

Their regimes can rack up hundreds of billions of debt and deficit and they walk away, scot-free.

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