dogs in cars


Well-known member
I'll preface this rant/enquiry, by saying that... I love dogs. It is certain owners whom I feel contempt for.

Rob's recent post about inconsiderate sidewalk texters got me to thinking of posting this long standing pet peeve of mine..

So, dogs in cars..and not just the ones that are left in hot cars with the windows up or almost up, by dead-from-the-neck-up owners on hot days when they should be left at home, in the shade with lots of water they can reach and not tip over.

No, I'm also talking about another type of dog owner who imposes their dog's protective instincts by inflicting that aggression on others who happen to come back to their car and can't get in it because the dog is half way out the open window with nothing but a whirlwind of growling, snarling and fangs. The other day I pointed this out to an inconsiderate *******, and as soon as he opened his mouth, I knew why the dog was like this. He not only lets the dog inflict itself on unknowing nearby innocent victims if you dare question their inconsiderateness, they actually encourage the poor dog. Yes, I said poor dog..because the dog is also a victim of this ****ed-up brain dead walking piece of **** owner who picks a dog with bigger balls than they have themselves to protect him and his property. And of course they get defensive, saying crap like, "oh, he won't hurt's all just a show". Right, like I am a ****ing mind-reader and could possibly know this about your dog.

And of course most times this happens it's in a pickup truck, either the dog is in the back, dangerously not strapped in and could fly out on the highway if the driver makes so much as a quick swerve around a bicyclist or piece of road debris kicked up, or it's in the back of a 4 door truck with the window low enough the dog can put its entire head out. And the trucks are never just the normal height, they're jacked-up gas-guzzling pieces of **** that have no real purpose of that towering ground clearance other than to be the other big penis (the dog is the first, truck makes two) to make up for an obvious lacking of the two-legged dick behind the wheel as they use this monstrosity to go to the beer store to pick up their daily case of Canadian.

Like I say...I almost got right into it with just such an idiot the other day. You walk up to your car and outta nowhere, this ****ing canine almost takes my head off. I managed to duck down and get my door open and crawl up in behind the steering wheel, looking like I was trying to not be seen stealing it, feeling dog spray up the backside of my head the whole while. I backed up into a different spot and waited for owner to come out, but while waiting this ****ing animal would lounge to both sides of the truck and was even scaring people walking alongside the plaza in front of where we were parked, 15' or more away.

Anyway, wondering if any cops or lawyers can weigh in on this...are there any laws that could provide some sort of punishment for pet-owners (who really shouldn't even have the privilege of owning a pet, IMO) in a situation like this? Or does the dog have to literally cause someone with a heart-condition (picture your mother or grandmother who has had 3 heart-bypasses trying to get into her car when this happens) to have a massive coronary right there and then before the owner could be held culpable in any way. Or would they still be considered free of liability?

Do we have laws in place for this type of scene? It seems to be happening more I find. I think it is a combo of events...people are becoming more aware of not leaving their animals in a hot car, but there needs to be some sort of rational thought and simple basic consideration of others here, windows down no more than enough for the dog to get its nose out, but on hot ****ing days, leave the doggone terror at home, both for its own and everyone else's sake!
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What sucks with this is as soon as this poor dog scares a kid (or might bite a kid) they will say "EUTHANASIA" without even having time to blink an eye.

I understand different breeds have different personalities...well as an owner its your duty to make sure you're ready to train and take care of this personality and make it liveable in this society.

Too many dog-owners dont know or dont care about that...or as the person you have dealt with are too stupid to do anything about it because "ITS SO BADASS, BRO"
Sooo basically a dog barked at you and you got scared? all I hear is "wahh"

THERE!! Right there is the mentality I'm talkin' about.

Found the brother of this jerk, only the brother is an even bigger loser because he does it anonymously from the comfort/security of his internet computer chair.
Probably in skid-marked women's panties.
I'm sorry, why didn't you just set fire to the car?? I don't get it..
THERE!! Right there is the mentality I'm talkin' about.

Found the brother of this jerk, only the brother is an even bigger loser because he does it anonymously from the comfort/security of his internet computer chair.
Probably in skid-marked women's panties.

I'm sorry I can't understand you

Call the OSPCA or the Police non-emerg line. They probably won't give a **** until someone gets bit, but at least they have to take a report and get the plates/DL info on file.

I have a Chevy Silverado and a black lab named Orson. He's 70lbs and I let him ride around with the back windows open and his head sticking out (I drive a crew cab pickup). He's not aggressive, but he will stick his head out the window if he hears you coming.

Oh and to answer your question:

It's called the "Dog owners liability act".
I actually do sympathize with the OP and the d-bag world we live in. If the dog bit me, in typical fashion, I'd rage-out, drag the dog out of the car and choke the life out of it. Then we'd have a whole other bit of whining on here... Ya can't win..
I'm a gun totin', gas guzzling lifted "POS" pickup driving redneck that brings his dog all over the place...
The truck isn't a replacement for my penis, and neither is my dog. My lifted 4x4 gets used as a lifted 4x4. Not for going to the beer store (btw, most "rednecks" drink coors or bud) but it's used for things like getting back in the woods hunting, on the farm hauling and for blowing smoke in the open window of your Hyundai.
Same goes for the dog, not only is he my best buddy but he's also my best hunting partner...

I see what you're getting at with vicious dogs, and I agree it's 100% the fault of how the owner raises the dog in most cases, but I don't get why this is something you're THAT upset with. Sure, a dog like this should be left at home, but bitchin' about it ain't gonna fix the problem.

BTW, if somehow you're ever parked next to me and my windows are down with my dog in the back, don't lose your crap when he pokes his head out and lets out a little bark because he wants to be friendly.
I drive a pickup with my monster Great Dane/German Shepherd .....he might bark...then again he's sooo freakin big he does whatever he likes He loves people don't be afraid stick your hand in the window and give him a pat.... really.
I'm a gun totin', gas guzzling lifted "POS" pickup driving redneck that brings his dog all over the place...
The truck isn't a replacement for my penis, and neither is my dog. My lifted 4x4 gets used as a lifted 4x4. Not for going to the beer store (btw, most "rednecks" drink coors or bud) but it's used for things like getting back in the woods hunting, on the farm hauling and for blowing smoke in the open window of your Hyundai.
Same goes for the dog, not only is he my best buddy but he's also my best hunting partner...

I see what you're getting at with vicious dogs, and I agree it's 100% the fault of how the owner raises the dog in most cases, but I don't get why this is something you're THAT upset with. Sure, a dog like this should be left at home, but bitchin' about it ain't gonna fix the problem.

BTW, if somehow you're ever parked next to me and my windows are down with my dog in the back, don't lose your crap when he pokes his head out and lets out a little bark because he wants to be friendly.

You're fine you probably park on two spots anyways. The dog can't reach anyone. :p
You're fine you probably park on two spots anyways. The dog can't reach anyone. :p

Lol the only time I "double park" is when I have the trailer on the back, and I only do that so I'm able to get out in case some mindless idiot parks right next to me and I'm unable to turn out, if I can find an end with two open spots I take that.
Typically I park near the back of the lot so I can drive forward in to and out of a spot and usually nobody parks back that far so I don't get any door dings.
I take my mini dachsund with me all the time as he follows me where ever I go and loves the car. I have to meet with complete strangers quite a bit and what I do can be risky. I love the fact that my dog tries to shred anyone who comes up to the car. He also has bitten people who have come into my house when I am not there. Just on the ankles and nothing serious but honestly it gives me piece of mind having a protective dog. I have had a few people through the years say something to me when they have walked past my car in a parking lot and he starts growling and barking, I just smile and tell them he is my body guard. Seems kind of an odd thing to complain about in my opinion.
I can't say I've really encountered it... I had a few dogs going ape **** on me as I walked past the vehicle they were parked in at the gym, but it might have been cuz it was the dead of winter and it was 4am and effin freezing out and their owner was too busy clocking a blistering 1km/h on the treadmill feeling good about themselves to care about the well-being of their dogs...

dogs bark. it can be annoying but hardly something to be concerned about in a parking lot. try working night shifts and trying to sleep during the day when you have 8 dogs in your surrounding neighbourhood barking up a symphony.

now if a dog actually lunged or heaven forbid got a chunk of you while you're minding your own business travelling to or from your car.... well yeah, there's reason for concern. I love dogs and consider myself an overall animal lover but if some errant mutt got a chunk of me there would be retribution of the violent nature.
I take my mini dachsund with me all the time as he follows me where ever I go and loves the car. I have to meet with complete strangers quite a bit and what I do can be risky. I love the fact that my dog tries to shred anyone who comes up to the car. He also has bitten people who have come into my house when I am not there. Just on the ankles and nothing serious but honestly it gives me piece of mind having a protective dog. I have had a few people through the years say something to me when they have walked past my car in a parking lot and he starts growling and barking, I just smile and tell them he is my body guard. Seems kind of an odd thing to complain about in my opinion.

How much piece of mind can you get from a "protective" dog that someone could crush with one well placed boot heel? Hilarious.
How much piece of mind can you get from a "protective" dog that someone could crush with one well placed boot heel? Hilarious.

You'd be surprised. Dachsunds were created to hunt badgers. If you were to reach into my car you would need stitches. Then while you're bleeding I grab my tire iron ;)
You'd be surprised. Dachsunds were created to hunt badgers. If you were to reach into my car you would need stitches. Then while you're bleeding I grab my tire iron ;)

I can see the headline now

"Women and dog brutally beaten to death with tire iron - when self defense goes wrong"
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