Dog killed a skunk over night... bad smell


Well-known member
Already talked to animal hospital and going to get a skunk shampoo for the husky.

There is a really bad smell in the back yard... Anything we can do to get rid of it?
Maybe sprinkle Skunk Off around the backyard? That's the shampoo your vet will probably give you for the dog anyway. I'd be cautious about putting down anything chemical based as you wouldn't want your dog to get sick from it.
It's gonna rain tonight, maybe that'll help a bit.

My father's husky would pick fights with skunks, but never win. I had to laugh at how he was too stubborn to give up and still howled after being sprayed for the 20th time.
Best solution is a combination of water, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide... find the relative amounts on the net. Works great and way cheaper than the vet stuff. The backyard smell will likely go away in a day or so. Any time I see and smell a dead skunk on the highway the smell is usually gone within 24 hrs.
Hydrogen peroxide (strongest volume you can find) and also bleach will oxidise the thiols that cause the bad smell. Beware though that even if you miss a tiny bit you'll still smell it, it affects the receptors in your nose at only a few parts per million. You can also wash the dog with a more dilute volume of hydrogen peroxide to get rid of the smell but don't get it in his/her eyes.
I ended up going to petsmart and got this

I don't think it did much. Some of the smell is gone, but still there. I cleaned the entire dog with it.. scrubbing like crazy. Some of the smell is still there.... :(

Enzymes like the ones in that wash in your link will work too but enzymes can be a bit fickle and "go off" if the liquid is old or has been kept too warm. Peroxide works chemically and works well but it is a "bleach". Ive used it several times on my dog in the diluted form you can get from Shopper's. It works better than any of the washes from the pet store you get. People sometimes mix it with sodium bicarbonate to make a paste so it stays on the dog a little longer to work.
Good luck with that... no matter what you try (shampoo, tomato juice bath, etc) your dog will still smell like skunk for a good 2 months, ESPECIALLY whenever he/she gets wet.

It won't be nearly as bad, but believe me... you'll still smell it for a LONG time. Just preparing you for that fact!
Good luck with that... no matter what you try (shampoo, tomato juice bath, etc) your dog will still smell like skunk for a good 2 months, ESPECIALLY whenever he/she gets wet.

It won't be nearly as bad, but believe me... you'll still smell it for a LONG time. Just preparing you for that fact! fiancees parents have a couple dogs who both got sprayed at their house while her parents were away on vacation, they came back two weeks later and when they walked in the door they thought the skunk had just sprayed 10 seconds before since it still stunk so bad.

As people above mentioned peroxide is better than skunk off, have fun washing multiple times and dealing with the smell for a while still.
Yep the smell hasn't gone away even after a few washes. I won't constantly wash her since it's bad for her fur/skin.

Hopefully the smell will go away soon. I think my hands stink now... :(
Ok since I have a husky as well and he has a love for getting sprayed by skunks every year here is my advice. I have always used Natures Choice and have never had an issue with it.

However I think you might not have read the directions from what you are describing. You are not supposed to wash the dog with it you are supposed to rinse the dog with only the natures choice and allow it to dry. Don't forget to clean any walls or other things the dog may have touched on his/her way in as the oils from the skunk are still there.
Man, I feel for you. That sounds like such a headache. Make him sweat it out :p

Shave the dog and buy it a sweater. Much easier to clean a naked dog.
Link: Guys, my dog keeps running away
GG: Cut its legs off. Much easier to chase a legless dog

Ok since I have a husky as well and he has a love for getting sprayed by skunks every year here is my advice. I have always used Natures Choice and have never had an issue with it.

However I think you might not have read the directions from what you are describing. You are not supposed to wash the dog with it you are supposed to rinse the dog with only the natures choice and allow it to dry. Don't forget to clean any walls or other things the dog may have touched on his/her way in as the oils from the skunk are still there.

I actually washed the dog before I read the instructions lol

Will try it tomorrow.
Man, I feel for you. That sounds like such a headache. Make him sweat it out :p

Link: Guys, my dog keeps running away
GG: Cut its legs off. Much easier to chase a legless dog


That's very entertaining, well played sir.
Best solution is a combination of water, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide... find the relative amounts on the net. Works great and way cheaper than the vet stuff. The backyard smell will likely go away in a day or so. Any time I see and smell a dead skunk on the highway the smell is usually gone within 24 hrs.

One quart of Hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup of baking soda, one tbsp dish soap. Mix it and apply to the affected area immediately, it has a chemical reaction that totally neutralizes the scent. Rub it on a dog that has gotten sprayed, let it set 5 minutes and rinse off, and the dog can sleep on your bed. Don't get it in their eyes, it will burn like a bastard.

You could spray it on the ground where the skunk let loose, you'll have to figure out that application for your particular circumstances.
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