Dog kennels in the west end?

I need to board my german shepherd for 10 days, are there any decent affordable kennels in the west end of GTA? Lots of adds for kennels but I don't know how well they treat animals in their care.

Try a dog sitter, he stays in a home and gets walked daily. There are quite a few in Milton and there is one I used in Scarborough, will run you about 20- 40 a day. I had a bichon though. If you want I can PM you her info.
I used the Dog's Inn on 5th Sideroad (@5th Line) in Milton when we'd go DHing in Quebec on the weekends. The owners are good and the dogs are well looked after. Mine actually didn't mind going there for the weekend, but she was very social. When I would go to pick her up she would often be "leading" a walk.
I don't know about price, but we board our Shepherd at It's a Dog's Life, it's near Bloor and Dundas (roughly), close to High Park Station.
Parker Pet Care @ Keele & 401 is a good pick. My dogs go to their East location ...but I have many friends who use the West and tell me it's just as good.
Parker Pet Care @ Keele & 401 is a good pick. My dogs go to their East location ...but I have many friends who use the West and tell me it's just as good.

+1 for Parker Pet Care, my father has used them more than once and so has a co-worker, haven't heard anything bad about them.
I've used Redwood Kennels in Milton a few times, it was pretty clean and well recommended.

Dont know if its an option for you, I now hire a sitter to move into the house and look after my dogs. Its not a lot more than boarding, my female Lab stresses badly at kennels, yellow males could care less. I also never have to deal with kennel cough, the dog equivalent of having a kid in preschool.
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