Jr players get that kind of local adoration from the time they leave home and arrive at their billet's house. Girls start 'hanging around' when they are in grade 8 or 9, innocent and giggly about those new cute & rugged hockey players. Doesn't take long for the players to realize they are freshly minted stars in their new town/schools.
Billets are not parents, the players are often late with team events and go unsupervised, no billet parents want to get rejected so they may turn a blind eye to kids having fun. Most players are good, decent kids trying to live out their dreams, they pose no threat. But not all, and get them in a team environment, the dynamics change. Add alcohol to teenagers and things change again.
Jump to players who are NHL drafted. Now add professional Puck Bunnies, WAGs in waiting, more lonely road days, multi-million dollar settlements, handlers making sure the boys are 'looked after' -- the jungle gets thicker.